“Learn to Manage Your Time or Time Will Manage You”
For those that follow me on social media, I have been discussing the importance of time and then broke down five (5) of the most time management skills that can help you with your personal and business life. If you missed them, here they are:
Decision making and prioritization
Setting boundaries and saying no
Delegating and outsourcing tasks
Building a system and diligently following it
I wanted to dig a little deeper as I wind up this month’s discussion on time management to leave you with a few more skills to consider when developing an effective time management system for yourself.
“Shifting to a Better Feeling Mindset”
I am not sure about you, but yesterday I had those “Monday Blues” after a busy weekend.
“The Power of I AM”
“In my experience, I have learned that if you speak it, feel it, imagine it, believe it, you will manifest it. The affirmations that we have been speaking each night are happening in the present moment. I remember reading something when I was younger that said that the two words “I AM” are two of the most powerful words ever spoken. I AM can be followed by anything you want. I see “I AM” as a spiritual being dwelling inside of me and that I can be and have anything that I want. I can create what I want. I can do what I want. I can speak what it is I want out of life. I can speak healing and miracles. I can speak financial abundance and wealth.”
I Am Worthy!
I share this post not to brag on myself, but just to say how good and big my God is! My life hasn't always been this good and my journey probably would have killed many. But God, knew that I had a purpose and destiny. God knew that there was a single mother, a business owner, a person lost trying to figure out how to find their way, someone suffering with anxiety/depression/stress, was going to need my story to give hope and believe that All Things are Possible! No matter what it may look like, God has not forgot. Just keep believing, God has not forgot. Repeat after me, I am Worthy!
“What is a Life Coach and Why a Life Coach May be What You Need”
Life coaches are like therapist or counselors but we’re a little different. We are advisors who support personal growth, behavior modification, and goal-setting. Based on the premise that most people can achieve their goals if properly guided, a life coach act as a mentor, assisting the client in the process of taking the life-improving actions necessary to take control of the future. We help you develop strategies and plans to reach your targeted-goals.
“We Push Self-Care but What About Soul-Care”
“Everything looked good from the outside from the smile on my face, to the clothes I wore, to trips I was taking, but on the inside, my soul was tired. I felt overwhelmed, stagnant in my thoughts and creativity, self-less, and just not certain about my life’s path as I had in the past. I was drained mentally, physically, emotionally, but most detrimental, spiritually. I didn’t know a direction and it felt like life, on the inside, was falling apart.”
“This Little Light of Mine, I’m Going to Let it Shine”
I have been so afraid to move forward out of FEAR of what others may say or what they may think about me. I have told myself other things like “I need to lose weight”, “I don’t like the way my voice sounds”, “I need to go to toastmasters class to make sure that my delivery is effective when speaking”, etc. But God, has told me that who I am sending you to, I don’t need primp and proper, I need real. I need you to share your journey, your success, your challenges, your insecurities, your fears, because everyone has them but not everyone wants to talk about them.
2021…What Are You Focused On?
So now that 2020 is behind us and 2021 is here, what are you doing differently? Did you make new year resolutions? Did you take time to reflect on 2020 and what you could’ve done differently or was it such a treacherous year that you don’t even want to think about it?