“Time of Reflection”

“As we are winding down 2022, many of us are reflecting on all the different life experiences that took place this year. There were births and deaths, engagements/marriages and separations/divorces. There were job promotions and job losses. There were business start-ups and closures. There were happy times and there were sad times. There were wins and there were losses. I can go on and on, but one thing I know for sure, there is a time and a season for everything. I know that even with all the ups and downs that I faced this year, I am so grateful to still be here!”

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“This Little Light of Mine, I’m Going to Let it Shine”

I have been so afraid to move forward out of FEAR of what others may say or what they may think about me. I have told myself other things like “I need to lose weight”, “I don’t like the way my voice sounds”, “I need to go to toastmasters class to make sure that my delivery is effective when speaking”, etc. But God, has told me that who I am sending you to, I don’t need primp and proper, I need real. I need you to share your journey, your success, your challenges, your insecurities, your fears, because everyone has them but not everyone wants to talk about them.

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