This is a keep it real moment for me as I am preparing to allow myself to go the next level that God has called me to go. I am not sure if any of you can relate or not, but I’ll share my journey over the last few years that I have been struggling with.

I am a very giving, loving, humble person that never wants anyone to feel less than or not good enough. I often times don’t give myself credit for the things that I accomplish or challenges that I knock out the park. I have done this because I didn’t want people to judge me and make statements, that they make anyway, like “she thinks she’s all of that”, “who does she think she is”, “I remember when”, “she’s boujee (bourgeoisie)”, etc. I’ve always included others in my accomplishments as a “we”, “us” and just played down the work that I have done to pull something off. Work that included sleepless nights, frustration, last minute running around, doing things by myself when others neverI showed up, invested my own personal finances to get it done when the ball is dropped, etc. Anyways, I will keep this going for the sake of “MEN” that may be reading this and feel that I am "too long winded” and want me to get straight to the point.

I am on this journey where God has allowed me to be stripped of friends, family, business colleagues, and others so that I can focus on my purpose and why I am here on this Earth. I have been in a pruning season for several years now and back at the drawing board of what I want to be when I grow up. The reality is, God has already shown me the platforms that I’ll be speaking on around the world, the television and radio stations that will have been on being interviewed, the lives that I will touch through my testimony, the young girls that I will mentor and give them hope because of my story, and yes, I have been so afraid to move forward out of FEAR of what others may say or what they may think about me. I have told myself other things like “I need to lose weight”, “I don’t like the way my voice sounds”, “I need to go to toastmasters class to make sure that my delivery is effective when speaking”, etc. But God, has told me that who I am sending you to, I don’t need primp and proper, I need real. I need you to share your journey, your success, your challenges, your insecurities, your fears, because everyone has them but not everyone wants to talk about them. You are a born leader! You are chosen! Stop comparing yourself to others and start living on PURPOSE to please me, not men! I then heard my girl, Sarah Jakes, preach a rhema word that changed my life a few weeks ago called “The Undoing”. If you haven’t heard it, you need to check it out RIGHT NOW!

Let me stay on track. After hearing this message, God begin to show me me (yes, I meant to put it just like this). He showed me that I was so busy being concerned about what other people think, how they feel, their opinions about me, that I am slowing down the process and the places in which I am to go. He told me that my purpose will be fulfilled, whether it takes me 40 days or 40 years to stop worrying about people because they are always going to talk, good or bad. He told me that I MUST be delivered from people because where I am going, folks going to talk and run their mouths and say untruths. but the reality is, I am not bigger or better than God and he was ridiculed, chastised, lied on, beaten, and everything in between. I told God that I am no longer going to dim my light for anyone or hide my truths and my blessings because I have paid the price and my journey hasn’t been easy, but people need to know not only my journey but the blessings that have come from trusting the process (God)! With that being said, I thought back on one of the first “church songs” I learned as a little girl. “This Little Light of Mine, I’m Going to Let it Shine”. I would sing it just as loud as Tina Turner in “What’s Love Got to Do With It” but I meant that thing. Well, God has given me a light, I am the light, and I am going to let it shine throughout the world and a legacy will be left not just for my children and generations of my lineage, but the world will know that I chose to let my “little light shine” so that I can help others on their journey of this thing called life. I didn’t just go through the hell for myself, I went through it to help someone else go through and let them know that if they just trust the process, things will work out. I am not saying that my life is perfect and that I still don’t have my moments of doubt, anxiety, frustration, fear, insecurity, or lack self-confidence in certain areas, but what I am saying is that there is a God that dwells inside of me that is BIGGER than all of that! I gotta stay focused and let my little light shine.

Hold me accountable as I hold you accountable to putting out my first Podcast this month, weekly blogs, monthly newsletters, and social media posts. I am my sisters and brothers keeper! Pray for me and I will pray for you! If this blog helped you, if you can relate, if you know someone that can use an encouraging word, please share, leave me a comment, post on social media. I am ready y’all!!!

The Undoing - Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts - YouTube

Purposed-Life Coaching

My name is Shunte' Howze. I am a Certified Life Coach. I have been in social services for over 22 years, with over 16 of those years in philanthropy and human development. In addition to my experience, I have a BS in Psychology with a minor in Sociology, MS in Christian Counseling, Doctorate of Economic Development, and Honorary Doctorate of Humanitarian.

As a mother, corporate professional, small business owner, speaker, and certified life coach, I help people like you create plans and back them up with meaningful action to transform into the best versions of themselves, reaching new goals and making dreams a reality.

It’s my goal to help you reconnect with yourself and to help you unlock your best self so that you can live and work from a place of authenticity, peace and strength. I want to take time to get to know you through conversation, asking the “right” questions, and developing practical and realistic goals to help you move forward in life.

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