“The Power of I AM”
“In my experience, I have learned that if you speak it, feel it, imagine it, believe it, you will manifest it. The affirmations that we have been speaking each night are happening in the present moment. I remember reading something when I was younger that said that the two words “I AM” are two of the most powerful words ever spoken. I AM can be followed by anything you want. I see “I AM” as a spiritual being dwelling inside of me and that I can be and have anything that I want. I can create what I want. I can do what I want. I can speak what it is I want out of life. I can speak healing and miracles. I can speak financial abundance and wealth.”
“This Little Light of Mine, I’m Going to Let it Shine”
I have been so afraid to move forward out of FEAR of what others may say or what they may think about me. I have told myself other things like “I need to lose weight”, “I don’t like the way my voice sounds”, “I need to go to toastmasters class to make sure that my delivery is effective when speaking”, etc. But God, has told me that who I am sending you to, I don’t need primp and proper, I need real. I need you to share your journey, your success, your challenges, your insecurities, your fears, because everyone has them but not everyone wants to talk about them.
Forgiveness…It’s Not for Them but for You!
Choose to forgive yourself first, and then the person, situation, or things that has held us bound for all this time. You will begin to see a shift in your life…hope, love, peace, joy, and healing! Break the cycle and make today the last day that you allow unforgiveness to control your life. Repeat after me, “I choose to forgive!”