5 Ways to Challenge Yourself in 2022
Happy New Year! Yes, it’s almost the end of January and there are goals that I set prior to the end of December that I still haven’t even began to move on yet. Yes, I said I was going to be intentional about certain things such as eating better, exercising at least 3-4 days a week, cultivating my relationships, reading at least 30 minutes every day, etc. and I’ve still had challenges with committing to all of these things too. Does this sound like you? Are you faced with challenges and life just happening and you’re just trying to figure out a way to move forward?
Well, I decided to push my “reset” button and tell myself that a new month is coming, and I have another opportunity to begin again. Making sure that I set realistic goals based off of “my life’s obligations” and not that of anyone else.
Here are 5 ways you can challenge yourself going into February to work towards your goals:
Set a daily routine. Waking up at the same time every day and going to bed at the same time every night is one sure way to make your daily routine effective.
Unplug from technology by a specific time each day. It is so easy to get lost in social media, checking emails throughout the day, catching up on the latest Google stories, or whatever. This is time that you are shutting down connections from people around you. Just focus on interacting with people and enjoying activities you don’t normally make time for like reading a book, having a deep conversation, or spending time in going for a walk.
Journaling. Writing in my journal daily has helped me, especially when I’m having a lot of thoughts running around in my head. It helps me to start my day off with a focus and helps me to rest better at night.
Take a trip. Day trip, road trip, weekend getaway, just go somewhere and have a change of environment/scenery. My favorite place is always the ocean and sunshine! It is something about sitting by the water and looking out watching the currents flow. It gives me a fresh perspective on life, it helps with my creativity, it helps me to relax and just be at peace, it’s like a surrender for me. I enjoy just traveling, period, and meeting new people and having new experiences somewhere in the world. I encourage you to take a drive, flight, train, or boat to your destination of peace and serenity and allow yourself to just be.
Hire a Life Coach or find someone to help you achieve your goals. Having someone to help you develop a plan with steps, an accountability partner, a listening ear, and wise counsel is a win! Yes, it’s hard sometimes to figure life out when you have so much going on in your head and around you. I challenge you to schedule a free 30-minute session with me to see how I may be able to assist you on your journey. You can also visit Find a Therapist, Psychologist, Counselor - Psychology Today if you are in need of mental health services. If you’re unsure, you can visit my website at Purposed-Life Coaching Services, LLC (purposedlifecoaching.com) to learn more about what a life coach is and about me.