Purposed-Life Coaching Services, LLC

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What is The Difference Between a Resolution and Being Intentional?

We’ve been hearing people talking about their new year’s resolutions and others talking about being intentional, but what’s the difference? I’ll share with you some a couple of definitions and then my view on where I stand. Merriam-Webster defines resolution as the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones; the act of answering; the act of determining. Freedictionary.com defines intentional as done deliberately; done on purpose; planned, weighed, or estimated in advance.

Until the end of 2019, I made New Year Resolutions prior to coming into the new year of all the things I wanted to be different in my life and goals that I wanted to achieve. I named everything from losing weight to building my credit to starting a business. These resolutions came with my will and determination to accomplish these goals. In 2020, I began to read and listen more about intentions and being intentional. I liked the way it sounded, but I had to define for myself what that really meant to me. Here it is: Being intentional gives a plan of action to a goal. Setting intentions has brought about a space or feeling of excitement in the process and embracing my journey. Not so focused on the the outcome but the growth that takes place in the process of accomplishing goal.

How do you set intentions:

  1. Decide what it is you want to focus on in your life and write it down.

  2. Figure out where the intention came from or your why.

  3. Decided on what steps you can honestly commit to in achieving goal (to thy own self be true) and make sure to factor in everything else you have on your plate.

  4. Now do something everyday towards your intention.

What are your thoughts? How do you see a resolution vs intent? I would love for you to comment on blog or send me a message through website.

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