“We Push Self-Care but What About Soul-Care”
“Everything looked good from the outside from the smile on my face, to the clothes I wore, to trips I was taking, but on the inside, my soul was tired. I felt overwhelmed, stagnant in my thoughts and creativity, self-less, and just not certain about my life’s path as I had in the past. I was drained mentally, physically, emotionally, but most detrimental, spiritually. I didn’t know a direction and it felt like life, on the inside, was falling apart.”
What is The Difference Between a Resolution and Being Intentional?
We’ve been hearing people talking about their new year’s resolutions and others talking about being intentional, but what’s the difference? I’ll share with you some a couple of definitions and then my view on where I stand. Merriam-Webster defines resolution as the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones; the act of answering; the act of determining. Freedictionary.com defines intentional as done deliberately; done on purpose; planned, weighed, or estimated in advance.
What if today was your last day?
What if today was your last day? Have you treated the most important people in your life right or do you need to apologize and make mends with those people? Do you have life insurance? Some day it will be your last day…