“We Push Self-Care but What About Soul-Care”

“Everything looked good from the outside from the smile on my face, to the clothes I wore, to trips I was taking, but on the inside, my soul was tired. I felt overwhelmed, stagnant in my thoughts and creativity, self-less, and just not certain about my life’s path as I had in the past. I was drained mentally, physically, emotionally, but most detrimental, spiritually. I didn’t know a direction and it felt like life, on the inside, was falling apart.”

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Personal Development, Practical, Social Purposed-Life Coaching Personal Development, Practical, Social Purposed-Life Coaching

What is The Difference Between a Resolution and Being Intentional?

We’ve been hearing people talking about their new year’s resolutions and others talking about being intentional, but what’s the difference? I’ll share with you some a couple of definitions and then my view on where I stand. Merriam-Webster defines resolution as the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones; the act of answering; the act of determining. Freedictionary.com defines intentional as done deliberately; done on purpose; planned, weighed, or estimated in advance.

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