“Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do”
We can all agree that 2020 and the start of 2021 has been trying times for us all in one way or the other! We can all further agree that despite these challenges, we have at least 3 things that we can be grateful for. I’ll start by sharing my 3 things: my health/mental wellbeing, my children/loved ones, and my basic needs being met. My daughters and I try to make sure we don’t go to bed at night without sharing the 3 things that we are grateful for. This is a reminder that in spite of difficult times, good things are still happening in our lives.
What is The Difference Between a Resolution and Being Intentional?
We’ve been hearing people talking about their new year’s resolutions and others talking about being intentional, but what’s the difference? I’ll share with you some a couple of definitions and then my view on where I stand. Merriam-Webster defines resolution as the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones; the act of answering; the act of determining. Freedictionary.com defines intentional as done deliberately; done on purpose; planned, weighed, or estimated in advance.
What if today was your last day?
What if today was your last day? Have you treated the most important people in your life right or do you need to apologize and make mends with those people? Do you have life insurance? Some day it will be your last day…
2021…What Are You Focused On?
So now that 2020 is behind us and 2021 is here, what are you doing differently? Did you make new year resolutions? Did you take time to reflect on 2020 and what you could’ve done differently or was it such a treacherous year that you don’t even want to think about it?