We Talk About Self-Care But What Does It Really Mean?
Self-care is a word that is thrown around often, but what does it really mean? Wikipedia defines self-care as actions and attitudes which contribute to the maintenance of well-being and personal health and promote human development. Dictionary.com defines self-care as care of the self without medical or other professional consultation. Although both are good definitions, I believe that self-care is a combination of both and includes the physical, spiritual, and mental well being of yourself. Sometimes you have to make the decision to receive medical and/or professional consultation which may be a huge step for some that feel that medication or counseling/therapy isn’t for them, but simply because a person steps outside the box and determines that what they’re doing isn’t working and need the additional support.
Physical Self-Care may include but not limited to:
Daily exercise (at least 30 minutes)
Proper rest (average 8-10 hours)
Balanced healthy eating
Deep breathing/meditation
Routine medical appointments (MD, OB/GYN, Dentist)
Mental Self-Care may include but not limited to:
Take a personal self inventory (what’s going well and what’s not)
Talk to a family member or friend (if uncomfortable, talk to a life coach (I’m available), therapist, or counselor)
Journaling (morning and at night before bed)
Let yourself relax by doing something fun, relaxing, or unproductive
Challenge your toxic thoughts and beliefs, and aim to change them into healthier ones
Spiritual Self-Care may include but not limited to:
Contribute to causes that you believe in
Read the Bible or inspirational books
Expressive writing, gratitude journal
Walks in nature for connection