Purposed-Life Coaching Services, LLC

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“The Heart of It All”

February was a month focused on relationships and love and what better way to sum it all up than to talk about the “heart of it all”, the spiritual relationship you have between you and God. Now I am not going to get into spiritual politics, because there are so many names in so many languages that represents Who God is!

In everyday life, relationships are based on the individual ego, the “I” with its stream of demands, likes and dislikes, personal memories and conditioning, etc. The ego personality is based upon self-interest. It wants more pleasure and less pain. It wants its own way, not someone else’s. It craves satisfaction through appetite, power, status, and achievement.

God is…..(you can fill in the blank)! God is the source of my life! The more time I take to spend with God and to learn more about God, the more I learn about myself. I understand that the spiritual relationship is the most important relationship that I can ever have in my life. It affects my decisions, my relationships with others, and the core of my being. God grants such things as grace, forgiveness, unconditional love, pure ecstasy, redemption, and salvation.

Below are some ways that I am taking time to build my spiritual relationship with God:

  • Meditating and praying daily

  • Reading plans in the Bible app by Youversion.com

  • Expressing Gratitude (My girls and I state 3 things that I am grateful for nightly)

  • Service/Kindness to others

  • Praise and Worship (I am that chick that sings loud in the shower and have my own concert in my car)

  • Walks in the park (it is something about connecting with nature and God at the same time, just embracing the beauty of it all)

I would love to hear some of the things that you are doing to build your spiritual relationship! Feel free to comment below.