I Am Worthy!
When you get tunnel vision and focus on your purpose, great things come about! Life will throw you challenges, but just remember that greater is He that is in you, than He that is in the! 🌍
Since I've began the 31-days of Positive Talk Challenge, God has been moving in my life. I've learned that if you speak life over your situations, things will begin to shift. Now, be ready for what you pray for because it'll happen fast. Let me just take the time to brag on my God! This week I was able to accomplish getting my personal and biz LinkedIn pages completed with the support and services of Monica Minton of Bold Resumes that provided a spirit of excellence in her services and did an amazing job! I got that final signature on my state contract (the beginning of year #6) for SGH Consulting and Supportive Services, LLC! A global partnership with a brand in the works! My non-profit organization, Genesis Outreach, Inc, was selected by Piedmont Eastside Hospital to be a recipient of the Gwinnett County Great Days of Service in which the hospital staff will be collecting items to donate to our organization to be able to continue our work in the community! I was selected to be a part of a Women in Business Program for the next 6-weeks through Women EmpowHerment that will allow me to gain my Minority Business Certification and Minority Woman Owned Business Certification...did I say I was accepted under a scholarship at no charge!
I share this post not to brag on myself, but just to say how good and big my God is! My life hasn't always been this good and my journey probably would have killed many. But God, knew that I had a purpose and destiny. God knew that there was a single mother, a business owner, a person lost trying to figure out how to find their way, someone suffering with anxiety/depression/stress, was going to need my story to give hope and believe that All Things are Possible! No matter what it may look like, God has not forgot. Just keep believing, God has not forgot. Repeat after me, I am Worthy!
Join me nightly on Instagram Purposed-Life Coaching as I go live every night at 9pm EST for 31-Days of Positive Self Talk repeating “I AM” and Positive Affirmations.