“Time of Reflection”

“As we are winding down 2022, many of us are reflecting on all the different life experiences that took place this year. There were births and deaths, engagements/marriages and separations/divorces. There were job promotions and job losses. There were business start-ups and closures. There were happy times and there were sad times. There were wins and there were losses. I can go on and on, but one thing I know for sure, there is a time and a season for everything. I know that even with all the ups and downs that I faced this year, I am so grateful to still be here!”

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“And the Beat Goes On (My Parenting Blues/Blessings)”

By 8:15am both girls have been dropped off at school and my day begins. I try to walk about 3 miles if I can’t make it to my workout class daily, although I can be honest to say that I have fell off the bandwagon over the last month, just to get my mental right for the day ahead. It’s a day full of phone calls from clients and counselors, emails to check/send, text messages coming through, those damn telemarketing calls coming through noting “Scam Likely” throughout the day but because they’re local numbers you still answer anyway just in case…yes, those! LOL. (on a serious note: if you are reading this blog and know how to get on the “don’t call list” please let me know because I get about 15 or more of these calls daily). Now, I am trying to finish my last errand, housekeeping task, work tasks, grocery store run, or whatever by 2pm.

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