Forgiveness…It’s Not for Them but for You!

Choose to forgive yourself first, and then the person, situation, or things that has held us bound for all this time. You will begin to see a shift in your life…hope, love, peace, joy, and healing! Break the cycle and make today the last day that you allow unforgiveness to control your life. Repeat after me, “I choose to forgive!”

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Family and Parenting, Faith, Health and Wellbeing, Gratitude, 2021 Purposed-Life Coaching Family and Parenting, Faith, Health and Wellbeing, Gratitude, 2021 Purposed-Life Coaching

“Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do”

We can all agree that 2020 and the start of 2021 has been trying times for us all in one way or the other! We can all further agree that despite these challenges, we have at least 3 things that we can be grateful for. I’ll start by sharing my 3 things: my health/mental wellbeing, my children/loved ones, and my basic needs being met. My daughters and I try to make sure we don’t go to bed at night without sharing the 3 things that we are grateful for. This is a reminder that in spite of difficult times, good things are still happening in our lives.

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